Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Ways to use Twync effectively (and some not so effective ways)

So Twync just got released and I already found some great ways to use the Twitter to Lync over Federation tool EventZero created. If you don't want to bother reading what I have to say here is the original posting over at EventZero for Twync. Yea, the same EventZero who is sponsoring The UC Architects Party(ies) at the Lync Conference in Las Vegas (blog post).

Since you are still with me... you must find my opinion valuable... either that or you want to see me make a fool of myself. Either way... Welcome! :-)

Pat Richard (@patrichard) was the first post I saw about Twync. It was a suggestion to follow @TheUCArchitects using this tool by sending "follow @TheUCArchitects" to . Great idea!

Then I thought to myself... hmmm... who else could I follow? Here is my suggestions so far.

Critical stuff to consider...
follow @TheUCArchitects (we need to know when the next podcast is available immediately...)
follow @BreakingNews (because when news happens I want to know)
follow @Office365Status (because knowing when your customers Office365 is down is important)
follow @ColoradoDOT (Colorado Dept of Transportation... I'm sure you have your own DOT)
follow @msftLync (official Microsoft Lync twitter... need I say more)
follow @DrRez (official Lync Product Team twitter)
follow @lyncdialog (what did you expect?)

follow @lifehacker
follow @gizmodo
follow @engadget
follow @altonbrown (if you never watched Good Eats... you haven't lived)
follow @johnacook (let's see if he notices)

Anyway... you get the idea... feel free to share in the comments other twitter accounts to follow. If they are good I'll update the blog with credit from you.

What I'm really hoping for in the future is...
  • The ability to subscribe to keyword matches like I do in TweetDeck "ucoms OR lync OR mslync OR Lync2010 OR Lync2013 OR lyncdev OR lyncfromanywhere"... Yes that could be a bit much... but there might be keywords I really want to know immediately in my Lync client.
  • The ability to subscribe to Twitter lists like my Lync Rockstars

Other Features
Alright... now we have that out of the way I also wanted to point out there are other features that can be listed out by sending "help" to

  • handy way to tell if the bot is alive send "echo test" and a "test" should reply shortly
show subscriptions
  • if you followed all the stuff above... this is the way to check to see who you are following
show mode
  • shows the mode you are in (see modes below)
follow @username
unfollow @username
  • self explanatory... never enter "unfollow @lyncdialog"
unfollow all
  • self explanatory... if you enter this.. immediately enter "follow @lyncdialog" after
mode always
  • this is the default you start off with. You get IMs whenever the bot finds new tweets based on your subscriptions.
mode active
  • any tweets you should have received while active... when you are not active... are lost.
mode queue
  • any tweets you should have received while active... when you are not active... are queued.

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