Monday, September 10, 2018

The Microsoft IC/UC Water Cooler

Not many know this... but the main reason I actually started to pursue being an Office Servers and Services MVP was because the Microsoft Masters program and subsequent Lync Masters discussion/mailing list, was not going to be maintained anymore. Having access to that many knowledgeable people was a huge benefit when I came across something that I didn't have an answer to... and now that source of information was being threatened. 

Fast forward a few months later, I was successfully nominated and then awarded as an MVP. Once again, I had access to a discussion list of peers that if they didn't know the answer... it was real problem that needed a case to be opened. 

Anyway the point of this blog is not a history lesson about me. It is that I've come across this new Microsoft tool called Kaizala and it seems to be a great low barrier method to get like-minded people together to communicate.

So I've decided to take the Discussion List experience I've had access to for years... and bring it to the Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams masses. 

First things first, Kaizala is a mobile only app. So, you'll need to download it first. Next you'll want to click on the join link
( from your mobile device.

The rest is easy... say Hi and join in the conversation. Unfortunately Kaizala doesn't have chat history so you will only see the conversation point from when you joined. All the more reason to not delay joining! 

See you there!

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